BLUEPRINTS: Fourth Quarter Edition 2023

Falls are on the Rise – Builders Trust is on pace to have 54 fall injuries for 2023.  Though a very avoidable accident, more and more workers are being injured due to falls.  Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2014 “261,930 private industry and state and local government    workers missed one or more days of work due to injuries from falls and 798 workers died.”  Unsurprisingly, the construction industry had the highest frequency of fall-related deaths.  “The workers’ compensation and medical costs associated with occupational fall incidents have been estimated at $70 billion annually  in the United States.”  Translating that into 2023 dollars, that is equal to $91 billion annually.

In this edition:

Short, simple information on safety, administrative policy, workers compensation, and current affairs. Listen to our first episode to learn more about what to expect from our BT Podcasts.