Join Us

Get started by contacting one of our independent agents listed via the link below.

Once the agent has submitted your application, our in-house Underwriting Department will thoroughly evaluate the information. If it meets our guidelines it will be quoted and bound upon request.

Service ⸺ accurate and courteous

Serving Our Participants

The Builders Trust Underwriting staff performs continual monitoring and risk assessment to ensure our Participants remain satisfied with our coverage and services.

In addition to binding new business, our Underwriting Department is charged with annual renewals, sending data to the New Mexico Workers’ Compensation Administration as well as the  National Council on Compensation Insurance, (NCCI).

Workers’ Compensation Premiums

Workers’ compensation premiums are calculated based on the gross annual payroll you pay to employees.

The more payroll expenses you have the higher your workers’ compensation coverage premiums. Further, your premiums are also impacted by your claim history – the more injury claims a business has, the more likely your premiums will increase.

Finally, your premiums are impacted by your experience modifier. The modifier adjusts your premium rates based on a comparison of past losses of the employer, to what the average losses are for other employers in your state in the same line of business.

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