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Ep 3 BT Podcast DART calculation

Podcast Transcript

DART stands for “days away, restricted or transferred. This safety metric is mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA. It helps employers determine how many workplace injuries and illnesses required employees to miss work, perform restricted work activities or transfer to another job within a calendar year. Calculating the DART rate allows executives, supervisors and safety personnel to identify safety issues in the workplace.

OSHA 300

Managers use information from OSHA 300 to calculate DART rate. This form, called the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, contains information about recordable injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Recordable injuries are those that result in loss of consciousness, the need for treatment beyond basic first aid, restricted work duties, time away from work or transfer to another job. The manager who completes the OSHA 300 fills in the same information for each recordable incident: the employee’s name and job title; date of injury or onset of job-related illness; a full description of the injury or illness; and whether the incident caused a death, days away from work, job restriction or job transfer.

Calculating DART Rate

After completing the OSHA 300, a manager uses the information to calculate a DART rate. To calculate the DART rate, you multiply the number of injuries that led to days away from work, job restriction and job transfer by 200,000. Then you divide the result by the total number of hours worked by all employees during the calendar year. Assume a company had 25 injuries resulting in time away from work, job restriction or job transfer. If all employees worked a total of 400,000 in the calendar year, the DART rate would be 12.5, which is 25 times 200,000 divided by 400,000.

Incident Rate vs. DART Rate

DART rate should not be confused with recordable incident rate, which is simply the total number of recordable illnesses and injuries per 100 full-time employees in a year. Calculating the recordable incident rate involves determining the number of nonfatal injuries and illnesses that occurred during a calendar year. This number is multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by the total number of hours worked during the calendar year. Assume a company had 35 recordable injuries and illnesses in a calendar year. If all employees worked a total of 375,000 hours, the recordable incident rate would be 18.7, which is 35 times 200,000 divided by 375,000.